24 October 2015

Greek Isle #3

Naxos - Just another awesome part of paradise

Nadine and Jean Marc rented a car on Naxos and took me everywhere with them.

The weather was changeable but the view always great.

Naxos has lots of marble. It was being mined and used 2500 years ago when Demeter's Sanctuary was built...

... and it is still being mined today. There's so much that the scraps get used as breakwaters. 

Even the parts of Naxos that aren't marble are still pretty rocky...

... and the number of stone walls in some fields is crazy.

Houses were built of stone...
... and windmills ...

... and churches.

We did all sorts of things; stopped at beaches to skinny dip, at restaurants to sample local cuisine, and at this half-built deserted hotel to marvel at the graffiti.

We saw sheep ...

... and cows ...

... and goats.

The wild flowers were interesting...
... and the cultivated ones stunning. And, as usual, I threw my hands in the air and was thrilled to be privileged enough to visit.