27 June 2015

Nothing to report

Nothing to report ... yet

Another year has spun by. The earth has rotated 366 times around its axis and revolved once around the sun. I am another year older but no closer to discovering whatever it is I am looking for. One of my kid’s friends posted a quote on facebook, “Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don't need to escape from.” Hmmm. Advice for me?

Yet. As the school year ends and I have 7 months of glorious vacation ahead, I feel peace seeping, no surging, into my veins, displacing worry and anxiety that I didn’t even know I had, pushing it out through my very pores, freeing me of it, and leaving me blissfully relaxed and almost obscenely serene. I am very much looking forward to my next vacation. And I feel no shame at admitting this.

On the last afternoon of the term the older female teachers all play hooky. We meet up at the ringleader’s house to eat and drink together, splash in her pool, and tell outrageous stories. I lie in a zero gravity chair in the sun laughing more than I can remember doing in weeks. Life is perfect.

Also, all three of my boys are currently thriving. (What more could any mother ever want?) There have been molehills in front of one or all of them in past, molehills that frequently looked like mountains, and I’m sure that there will be more in the future, but at this very moment they are each gracefully metamorphosing into successful young adults; they each have great girlfriends, strong peer groups, and excellent jobs. Though different from each other they remain solid friends with one another, do things together, and, also, do things with me. I SUP and bike with my youngest, go out for wings and movies with my middle one, and sit and play board games all through rainy weekends with my oldest. Their girlfriends are always present and, though I have no idea what these lovely, beautiful, intelligent young women really think of me, they are all well enough brought up to include me in their activities with smiles on their faces. ‘All males are alien,’ I say to my friends, as an excuse of my somewhat distant relationships with my boys, though in fact, to me, all people are alien. A wee bit of me is glad that I don’t have girls for I fear I wouldn’t be a good role model to them. Having only male children allows me the freedom to be a bit more eccentric and to not have to worry quite as much about the responsibility of guiding by example. 

I haven’t decided what I am going to do with the next 7 months yet. I have a list of chores as long as my arm to complete first; get out of my lease, put my stuff in storage, apply for a passport, find a boat to join… but 7 months seems long enough that I feel no pressure to rush. I will muddle along, leave when I can, go where the winds take me. My only goals are to be on the road, or water, by September, and to meet a few new people, take a couple of photos, and write a blog entry or two by Christmas.

It is, as they say, all good.

And, hopefully, in a month or so, I will actually have something to report.