02 December 2012


Wow. I was SO seasick. We were doing a one day passage (30 hours actually so leave early one morning and get there the next day) from one of the Cape Verde Islands to another one of them so I didn’t bother to put on an anti-nausea patch. I wasn’t even really sure if they work. Boy oh boy. Did I regret it! There was also, certainly, some miscommunication, between HS and myself wrt what the passage would be like, and, perhaps, he had also miscalculated how bad it would be. About an hour after we started I went to lie down. An hour after that I asked HS to get me a bucket. Two hours after that I knew I had to go pee. I had two choices: I could pee in my bed which was not really something I wanted to do or I could get up and go to the head which, I knew, would involve puking, which I also did not want to do. OOph. I chose to go to the head. I took my bucket and within minutes of sitting down in the head had liquids coming, explosively, out of all the holes of my body. And once I had started I couldn’t stop. Each hour, for hours, I vomited. Not normal puking which involves throwing up and then feeling better. Oh no. This was vile vomiting in which my body started with a weird wailing that I could not control before extended periods of heaving. Our new crew, a pair of sisters in their twenties, were discussing the noises I made and though they were talking in German I could tell that they were saying I didn’t even sound human but rather like a tom-cat trying to defend his territory. HS did my first shift for me. And then my next one. It was obvious, to everyone, that I was just not capable, at all, of doing anything. Also, unfortunately, we were heeling in such a direction that my bed was on the uphill side of the boat so I couldn’t fall asleep, because, if I even started to doze off I would loosen my hand hold and start to fall out of bed which would jolt me awake, and, since we have two new crew, there was not a downhill bed available. At one point salt water started dripping on me from above. I could reach a dry diaper from where I was and some duck tape, but I only had one piece of duck tape ripped off (to tape the diaper over the drip) when I dropped the roll of duck tape on the floor and it rolled to somewhere unreachable. One piece of duck tape was not enough to hold the diaper up so I had two options: get up and get the duck tape – and start puking again – or stay in bed and let the cold salt water drip on me. I chose to stay in bed and let the cold water drip on me. One of my sons has suffered migraines for years, several of my friends do too, I think for the first time ever I have experienced a bit of what they go through.