01 September 2012


Dear Diary, blah, blah, blah...

This is a blog in the very traditional sense of the word. It is neither a travelogue nor an informational site nor a discussion forum nor even a form of social networking. It is a an online personal journal. Nothing more. And it is unlikely to be of interest to anyone other than myself. 

I remember sitting with my best friend on the beach in the shade of a big rock for hours one day when we were about twelve planning our lives; deciding what professions we would have, who we would marry, what we would name our children, how our houses would be decorated... Somewhere along the way I got caught up in the moment and forgot to follow those well-laid plans, and, now, soon to turn fifty, my actual kids having grown up and left home, I look about myself and find that I am not where I had intended to be. I feel the need to sit somewhere quiet once again (I have chosen to do so on a boat this time instead of beside a rock) and consider what to do next. So I will write a blog. And that is what this is - a personal reflection of where I have been, where I am, where I would like to go, and how, perhaps, to get there. Nothing more. And it is, as mentioned above, unlikely to be of interest to anyone other than myself.

PS The self-portrait attached is a reflection of me looking at myself in a mirror. I am wearing jeans and my favourite green t-shirt and am somewhat lost in the photo, as I am in life. Very appropriate I think.