17 November 2015


Mainland Greece - The Big Three: Athens, Delphi, and the Meteora 

Geoff came to visit. We went on walks round the city, towns, and countryside, visited ruins and museums, and posed in front of pillars. It was wonderful fall weather everyday


Guard in front of parliament buildings.

Geoff and I in front of one of the minor temples on top of the Acropolis.

As usual I took pictures of modetn graffiti as well ancient architecture.



Geoff and I posing in front of pillars again ... I note that I still have to learn how to deal with the perspective when taking shots of tall things.

The Meteora:

In a landscape dominated by tall rock pillars...

... and deep canyons ...

... monks decided to build monestaries up the cliffs ...

... and on top of pillars. (This is the view from our hotel balcony. You can see the cross in the monestary's back yard from here though the building itself is not visible in this shot.

Geoff and I climbed all the paths ...

... and explored the nooks and crannies in the monestaries.

It was a great week.