17 August 2015


AKA A long account of pretty much nothing.

Bucharest? Did I recommend Bucharest? Scratch that! If you only have time for one Romanian town make it Sibiu.

(A total aside: when I was in Bucharest I met an Italian woman who was on a biking trip, we were on the same palace tour and then went out for a beer together. She was wearing an amazing outfit, to my eye, classy black top and stylish short grey skirt. When I complimented her on it she pointed out that it was her biking outfit and flipped the top of the skirt down to show that a biking shorts insert could be clipped in. I was floored - nicest biking outfit I'd seen in my life.)

The main street of old town Sibiu - one restaurant with so many hanging baskets it almost looks like a garden shop.

Back to Sibiu. It is working hard to be a good tourist town, and in my opinion it's succeeding. The main street through the old town has been turned into a pedestrian walkway lined with everything from expensive jewelry stores to local craft co-ops, there are licensed restaurants with very comfortable couches and ice cream stalls, something for everyone in other words. Buskers dot the street, which is about a km long, and in the main square at the end there are free concerts in the evening. (I am listening to a full orchestra at this very moment along with maybe 3000 other tourists!) We are not all staying in hostels; at the end of the street are several large modern hotels. Last night there was also another concert further out of town catering to the younger crowd - I might have gone to that too if I'd known of it ahead of time.

This guy plays outside our hostel each evening (you can see the WH sign above his head) and lulls me to sleep.

I'm planning to go hiking in the Fagaras Mountains soon, which I might add is giving me the hebejebes, 'cause I really don't know if I'm up to it, but I'm not getting any younger so I figure it's now or never, but I digress... today, Sunday, I had a somewhat eclectic shopping list in preparation for the hike. I wanted all my hiking food (muesli and dried milk for breakfast, gorp for snacks, etc., etc.), a light weight wide brimmed sun hat (I think I left mine in Bucharest), telescopic hiking poles, and a haircut. I hoofed it to the mall and found everything on my list! What a shopping success. I was even fortunate enough to get my hair cut by a woman with no English (one of my travelling traditions it to get my hair cut in a different language as I start out and so many people speak English here I'd been a bit worried on that front. At one point she panicked and went to get someone to translate leading to the lovely question: "Is it too short already or should she cut some more off?") Not only that, get this, I came across the exact biking skirt the Italian woman had had! Shopping City Sibiu really has it all. I was SO tempted to buy one I went back three times to look at them but the last thing I need right now is more stuff. Walking back from the mall my day bag felt about as heavy as I really want to carry for a week and it was only my food of course, all my camping gear and other paraphernalia were resting at the hostel. AKKK!

Monday I wake to pouring rain and the forecast for more of the same in the days to come. Despite being all packed up for my hike I consider waiting a few days for more palatable weather... man it's stressful being indecisive!

A few photos of roof tops and other things on a rainy day. 

I don't know who was having more fun - this kid splashing in the puddles or me trying to get a good shot of her. I didn't quite get the picture I wanted but included it anyway to show the happiness of being on holiday even on an overcast day.