Summer 2013 - A post which shows that I have learnt nothing whatsoever from the books leant to me by Leanna!
Just for the record
I haven’t blogged all summer. (You might have noticed). I have been busy both
doing things while, shh, don’t tell anyone, avoiding making any decisions about
the fall. It was a happy summer. I spent
a few wonderful days at Suzanne’s cottage, took up golf with Shelley (ok so the
golf didn’t go so well but I was very good at the drinking of wine afterwards),
did serious white-water kayaking with my youngest son, received and read and
re-read fantastic ‘status updates’ from my oldest son, showed off the wonderful photos of my kids kitesurfing down south to anyone foolish enough to come near me when I had my laptop out, went on an awesome canoe
trip (I’d forgotten how much I loved canoeing), had epic phone conversations
with my best friend Sheila who lives 3000 miles away (and is coming to Ontario
two days after I depart), read a whole pile of books leant to me by Leanna
(thank you), had random days in Ottawa with various friends (including Karen
who helped me with my camera shopping), started biking (thanks to everyone; I really
enjoyed riding with you, really loved the positive energy and am really looking
forward to next year!), spent some time at
my favourite beach, enjoyed hanging out at the Yacht Club and attending the
music nights there, and, most importantly, found time to sit still and chat and
sip tea with Catherine, and lemonade with Steve and Maryanne, and beer with
Shelley, and coffee with Terry and Rick and Don, and martinis with Emily, and I even
made a new friend (thank you Alison who introduced us) and sat and sipped water
with her while overlooking the river… In short it was an idyllic summer. Nothing
to write about at all. (Well, maybe a bit of drama involving my husband but I
don’t want to go there.) Hopefully my fall will be more eventful. My goal is to
post two ‘real’ blog posts a month (this one certainly doesn’t count, for
example). I expect to be able to manage that. (Though, come to think of it, my
stated goal this summer was to learn to make kick-ass mojitos, which you wouldn’t
have thought was too challenging a goal for a season, and, although Jane gave
me mint (thanks!) I didn’t really master the skill, so, who knows, maybe my
blog will be as barren this fall as it was this summer.) We’ll see!